Should I buy some Bitcoins?
If you watch the news you have probably seen bitcoin mentioned. It is one of the hottest things since technology stocks in the late 1990's and has seen a huge spike in it's value over the last few months.
There are a lot of people who are pitching Bitcoin as an alternative to gold for a hedge against market uncertainty. On the surface it seems to make sense. They are both financial instruments that aren't tied to a particular country or currency. The difference is that gold has been around since the dawn of man, Bitcoin has only been in existence for a little more than a decade.
The demand for gold is well established over history and will not go away. Crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin are the hot topic of 2017 and no one knows where the value will go. It could shoot to the moon like some propose. Or it may not.
Our approach to these currencies is to treat them like a technology stock that may have great stock performance, but a business model that seem a bit shaky. If you want a hedge, buy some gold. If you want to speculate buy some Bitcoins, but just understand at this point it's all speculation no matter what anyone says.